My best friend in US:)

My Best Friend in the US

     My best friend is a girl that I met on Orientation day. The girl's name is Florance who is friendly, and has a good heart. I remember the first time I met her, she was just a new student to the US, and I was an ambassador - International Program in school. My works were to help new students to answer their some questions about campus or show them some interesting place in Seattle. Although, that was her first time to the US, but her English was very good, and better than me. She asked me a lot of interesting questions. While I talked with her, I learned that she had moved from Vancouver. She had studied in Vancouver for one year that why her English was very good :). She came from Indonesia, she could speak Chinese, she had boyfriend :) and she loved animals very much. We began exchanging interesting things that we had learned and experienced while away family. Since then, we always met at the library to study and hung out on every weekend. We didn't study same classes, because her score on compass test was very high, so she studied in College classes. When I studied with her in library, she realized that I couldn't write good paragraphs in English. She frequently asked me to read her final essays and lent me an essay book to practice my English. In addition, we often hung out every weekend to talk about the recent news. That was the way she wanted me to practice more about my pronunciation, because she also realized that I have some words to mispronounce. We had had so many memories in a short time together. Now she is studying in North Seattle Community College. I was very sad when she moved over there, because South Seattle Community College didn't have some classes she wanted to take. But we still keep in touch through phone but not as frequently as before. Sometimes I visit her on weekend, because I and she were busy for study in school, maybe long distance. In fact, I have never met a friendly girl like her in US. I miss you, my best friend.

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